Vinita Hampton Wright

Vinita Hampton Wright

Vinita Hampton Wright is a veteran editor and writer of books and articles on Ignatian spirituality. She leads workshops and retreats on writing, creative process, and prayer. Vinita and her husband, Jim Wright, live in Arkansas.

Articles by Vinita Hampton Wright

  • Bring to God Whatever Burden Hinders Us

    Vinita Hampton Wright suggests we bring our burdens to God this Lent.

  • Easter Is a Verb (Happy Easter Video)

    Easter is a verb, says Alice Camille. Watch this Easter video and consider what it means to live Easter-ly.

  • Freedom and Discernment

    Freedom and discernment go hand in hand. Learn more about spiritual freedom and making wise decisions.

  • God Is in the Overcoming

    We like to find God in a day that goes well, but we often find God is in the overcoming. Read more at Loyola Press.

  • Good Friday Reflection by Vinita Wright

    Vinita Wright shares her Good Friday poem in a video for use in personal Holy Week reflections.

  • Honesty During Lent

    Honesty During Lent includes having the courage to be honest with yourself. Read this reflection by Vinita Hampton Wright.

  • I Saw Jesus Today

    How often can you say, "I saw Jesus today"? Learn how to find God in everyday life at Loyola Press.

  • Is Lent Enough?

    Lent is the season for truth-telling and repentance. Vinita Hampton Wright leads a video reflection asking, "Is Lent Enough"?

  • Lent Begins

    As Lent begins, reflect on how the hard places in our spirits can loosen up through the Holy Spirit.

  • Lost Luggage

    To begin with, I over-packed. I expected to get all sorts of extra projects done in the "spare time" that would magically materialize during the trip.

  • Managing Ourselves

    Managing ourselves requires the help of holy love. Read this reflection by Vinita Hampton Wright.

  • Oración imaginativa: Pentecostés

    Esta oración imaginativa se basa en Hechos de los Apóstoles 2:1–11, el relato de la venida del Espíritu Santo en Pentecostés.

  • Praying with Color: Finding the Sacred in Coloring Mandalas

    In this video, Vinita Hampton Wright shares how coloring can be a rich spiritual practice.

  • Presence in the Midst of Crisis

    There is some justification for extravagance at this time of year. We are celebrating the love of an extravagant God.

  • Quiet Before God

    A heart that is quiet before God focuses only on God and divine qualities such as love, mercy, and peace. Enjoy this video reflection.

  • Spiritual Freedom in an Emotional World

    What does it mean to be spiritually free when life is an emotional roller coaster?

  • The Choices We Make

    Vinita Wright considers what gets in the way of wise decision making.

  • What Makes a Jesuit?

    Pope Francis was educated and formed in the Jesuit tradition. There are four key pillars in the mindset and formation of each Jesuit which make for a strong foundation.

Books by Vinita Hampton Wright

See all books by Vinita Hampton Wright